There’s nothing more beautiful in the world than a fluffy lump in your arms. And most importantly – so cute and lively.
You want to buy a pet? And the choice fell on a kitten? Your decision is 100% correct. There is only one question – what breed to choose?
Nowadays there is a huge variety of cats – from simple (“yard”) to the elite, which require special care. But there is nothing wrong with that. For example, haircutting cats is not such a difficult thing if you entrust it to professionals. It is important to take care of the health of your pets and not to use sedatives during the procedure.

The decision is always yours. Which breed you want to get depends on which species you give priority to: fluffy, short-haired, or even sphynxes; playful or “couch cats”; and, of course, on the state of your budget.
Here are a few options:
- Scottish Fold or Scottish Lop-Eared – cats have medium size, rounded bodies, hair is short, thick and has elasticity, eyes are large, round shaped, planted wide with even color. The cats themselves are strong. These cats are good-natured, calm with a rather quiet voice. This breed is humane, which can show by all its appearance. It is excellent friends with other animals.
- Siberian is a breed of semi-long-haired cats, the character is independent, excellent hunters. At home they are fluffy and kind animals, can relieve stress of where they live. The cat is quite mobile, playful, unpretentious and hardy. Although at times it can show willfulness, restlessness, and sometimes not respond affectionate to the care of the owner. By its behavior, this specimen indicates that it is a cat – mood. The most original – it is not afraid of water and gets along remarkably well with any breeds of dogs. And this is not a few.
Of the many options described only two, the characteristics of other breeds can be found on the Internet. Have a good choice!
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